Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Run Bay to Breakers

Having been born and raised here, I am sorry to say that prior to this year, I have not attended the true San Franciscan spectacle that is this event. Being all of 25, I figured I should be in some type of physical state to actually run the 7.46 miles. Training was facilitated by joining the Sports Basement and Niketown group runs, and a few friends who dragged me along on other days. Race day proved a departure from the typical gray, rain/fog weather, instead the sun deciding to shine and encourage all to frolic about, drunk, happy, and immodestly under-clothed. My official time was 80:04 minutes, slower than the pace I had hoped, but I was zapped by the heat, without my ipod to set a tempo, walked a couple blocks of the infamous Hayes Street hill, and walked another half mile portion before the park, shamed into jogging the remaining 4 miles when two spandexed water buffalo trundled past me. I met up with friends afterward, hung out, enjoyed copious libations, talked to nude people, ate, all the while marveling at the prime people watching to be done, then wondered off to a mini rave under a bridge in the park, chilled with kickball teammates, and eventually found my way home, sunburned to a crisp and in love with San Francisco all over again.

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